Hello Gorgeous Readers!
My name is Marissa Joy and I currently reside in Denver, Colorado with my two beautiful sons. I grew up wanting to be a lawyer because I loved to argue and knew I was right…all the time! But, once the creativity bug bit, it was a done deal; I was powerless to defend myself against the world of make-believe (So, close enough to being a lawyer, right?). I now work in the world of television where I’m lucky enough to witness strong storytelling all day through film while indulging in my own imagination through my writing. Look around and check out some of the stories I’ve written on my lunch breaks or at my desk while my boss wasn’t looking. And don’t forget to read the sneak peak of my upcoming novel Catch Me When I Fall. I’m so happy you’ve come to play and humor the (at times outlandish) musings of my mind. I appreciate you. Happy reading!